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Prestfelde is committed to the provision of a successful and balanced co-educational experience and offers an array of co-curricular activities, encompassing everything from fencing to bush craft. Pupils of our Shrewsbury School are encouraged to gain new skills and hobbies through the many clubs on offer during breaks and after school, enjoying Chess, Computing and French Knitting amongst others! There are a wide variety of opportunities for the older children in particular to take part in activities outside of school, tours and trips overseas, and all children at Prestfelde enjoy a regular and stimulating range of expeditions to local and national venues.

Towards the end of the academic year at Prestfelde we have an activities week across the school that develops the wider aspects of learning for our pupils. We aim to develop leadership and teamwork skills and challenge our children by giving them new experiences. This includes residential trips to local activity centres in Shropshire and North Wales, and overseas visits to France to aid language skills and experience pure adventure in the Ardeche.

The activities week is by far my favourite time of the school year. It is lovely way to end the year with all my friends and having lots of fun.– Yr7 Pupil

Clubs and Activities 

Prestfelde offer an array of after-school clubs for the children to become a part of. Giving children the opportunity to indulge in the things that they enjoy, we aim to cater for as many hobbies and interests as we can. From Pokemon to Equestrian Club, Football to Cookery, there is always something new to try! 

Parents can quickly and easily book participation in a club via our Parent Portal / Firefly.


Giving our pupils as many experiences and as much enjoyment as we can whilst they are with us at Prestfelde, the array of trips that we offer the children is huge. Local, national, international, we plan trips to support learning themes and to just provide the children with good old fashioned fun! Learning how to work and play together, giving them confidence and independence, each trip offers a different learning experience.



Raising money for Charity is something that is embeded into the Prestfelde ethos. Our pupils help to determine the charities that Prestfelde support, and we go all out to ensure that as a school, we can contribute much needed funds to the causes we are helping. Dressing up, challenges, fairs, social events, sports and performances all feature within our ever-growing list of fund raising activities.