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Welcome to Little Prestfelde

Cath Morgan, Head of Little Prestfelde

From an early age, we want to foster a love of learning and curiosity. Little P children are given as many opportunities as possible to develop a broad range of hobbies and interests, including after school activities. We have a modern building with welcoming classrooms fully equipped with dynamic learning resources, a magical library where new books are regular added, creative outdoor play area and a fantastic Forest School Site.

The Little P curriculum is designed to meet the needs, challenge and enable our younger children to thrive. The curriculum establishes a firm structure upon which future learning can be built. Within small classes, each child’s talents are identified and developed.  A spirit of enquiry is fostered through imaginative and creative learning.  Our values based approach to learning fosters politeness and respect, in a warm and nurturing environment.

Little Prestfelde is a busy place, full of extremely busy children! The days are filled with exciting things to keep young imaginations fired-up, to encourage the children to want to learn more. Take a look at what some of our Little P pupils had to say, about what they liked most about coming to Prestfelde...